Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I get to leave the dorm in 6 days... YES. A glorious day it will be when I can finally fart and have sex in my own damn room. I feel like that's such a petty complaint, but after 6 months I'm so tired of being polite and locking doors.

As of right now, I have 1 and a half bad ass philosophy essays done. They are so fresh.

This will be part music blog too! When ever I make a post I'll put up a .rar link to what I'm listening to! This is pretty big... better start working on my music taste.

Bo Diddley- Selftitled

Rock n' Roll is my favorite music genre. Hands down. I can move to some noise rock, shake it to indie-tronic, but when groovy ass Bo Diddley comes on, I loose it. Out of all the music out there, Bo Diddley makes me cry myself to sleep every night because I don't know how to play guitar.

First album by Bo and its got some great shit on it. DO IT!

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